Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Classroom management

Classroom management is a matter of great importance, since it depends on everything. The learning, teacher / pupil or student / teacher relationship.

The quality of the teacher, the environment you create, the goals you want to set the first day of class must be present in a clear and transparent manner, and from there to the end of the course. Because students will understand what kind of art teacher, and you are treated as treaties, learn and be involved according to Professor therefore has to create a climate of trust, security, welfare, and a good education is displayed.

The use of English

The use of English today is very important and necessary, because this learning helps good communication with different people from different places. Forming us well and growing in what is unknown or not understood, brings culture, empathy for different traditions, communication with people in remote locations, etc. It is a key to network, create bonds learning.

Teacher competences

Teacher competences, we must not lose sight, so organize lesson plans around them. For if a teacher follows those powers, will impact on their students, being so these students will obtain a complete learning.

Teacher training experiences

This year in center practices, I learned how to teach students to interactively English also funny. All this through the use of ICTs, with the intervention of the teacher for students to participate and intervene. Creating a fun atmosphere and therefore a positive learning environment.

Creating the Blog

The creation of the Blog, has been an adventure.

It has taught me how to convey everything learned over the semester, also seeking resources and material there for I found very interesting pages that bring me impart information so positively and enriched my future students.


The actions of a teacher are very important because they are a clear example for the student, are the benchmark to which mimic, copy. Therefore, the actions must be correct, must teach and show how they must also act, it depends on the relationship of the student with the same, with others and with the world itself.

Formative and shared assessment

The evolution in people is constant, so for good growth of the person themselves have to look at the behavior of others, in one way or another empathic being, because it helps to understand and correct behaviors, attitudes, actions. Being thus growth and positive training.