Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Amazing stories

Michael Roen

Teachers at story time, we should not read them, we have to go further. Through expressions, gestures, voice, we can create fantastic stories that will delight children.
Michael Roen, is an example to follow as the story live through it, we can learn to read differently, attractive manner.

Section 2. Reading and writing

Tell stories (pre-teaching, act-teaching, post-teaching. Create silence)

Dynamic activities



One way to change dynamically is to create games outside the classroom. For example, divide the children into groups of four or five; each of these groups is dealt a flexible cord and a mask per child. Then the children made ​​a circle, eyes were bandaged and among them must obey the instructions of the teacher. The teacher can ask the children to form different shapes.
Through this play, children must communicate in English and also observe what attitudes each sample.


Another fun activity is to perform dynamic market. For this, first the children will draw, paint, and cut food that can be found, then the teacher will have different outlets and deal cards (symbolizing money). And finally they were dealt a shopping list, which must be performed.
This activity teaches numbers, fruits, etcetera.


Tongue twisters are sentences or short texts (they are short), in any language, created for it aloud is difficult to articulate. They are often used as an exercise to develop an agile and speedy diction. It is made to unlock the language, if the obstacles you pronounce the words, practice tongue twisters.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

It is a book, that teach different and bigger vocabulary in entertaining story. By an animal, the children learning colors, fruit, distinguishing day and night, days at the week, numbers, adjectives, etcetera.

Simon Says, story song

This activity is very amazing for the children, because they learn and play at the same time. This song teach new vocabulary or different objects there are in class, estcetera.

Magic box

For create speaking, one form to start is creating one mysterious situatuation. For example if you come on in class with a box, the children will want that it is, and they start to do question about it. So you can use this curiosity for teach words in English and they start to intent speak. I a fantastic activity for start English class.

Section 1. Listening and speaking

How to develop listening and speaking skills using:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Good morning to all

This blog is created to help all those who need information on activities for children.

I hope you enjoy